Flag of Republic of Lithuania

Republic of Lithuania

Part 1: Driving with a Disability

Are there any laws or regulations in your country that restrict whether people with disabilities can obtain a driving licence?

Yes, National legislation regarding obtaining a driving licence for people with certain types or levels of disability is in line with the provisions that are stipulated in the Directive 2006/126/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 December 2006 on driving licences (https://eurlex. europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/ qid=1586416286314&uri=CELEX:02006L0126-20180722). For example, there are codes for vehicle adaptations in the ANNEX I of the Directive 2006/126/EC. For details, please see the Directive 2006/126/EC.

Are there any restrictions on the type of vehicle or adaptation to controls that can be driven by a person with a disability?

Yes, as mentioned above, please see Directive 2006/126/EC.

If you have answered yes to the question above, do the same restrictions apply to a person with a disability visiting your country in their own or a rented vehicle? Please give details

Yes, If there are some restrictions (codes) recorded in the driving licence, the same restrictions (codes) apply to a person with a disability visiting Lithuania in their own or a rented vehicle.

Please give details of the section responsible in your Ministry for driver licensing and vehicle adaptations for people with disabilities. Please also include any websites which give details of the official national policy.

Name of Department/Ministry: Driver licensing: State Enterprise "REGITRA"; vehicle adaptations: Ministry of Health of The Republic of Lithuania.

Name of section responsible: Driver licensing: Examination and Driving License Issuance Division; vehicle adaptations.

email address for queries: Driver licensing: [email protected]; vehicle adaptations: [email protected]

Phone number for queries: Driver licensing: +370 5 264 6467; vehicle adaptations: +370 5 268 5110.

website (s): https://regitra.lt/en/;

and https://sam.lrv.lt/en/


Part 2: Parking Cards for people with a disability

Does your country have a national scheme of parking concessions for people with a disability?


Which categories of people with a disability are eligible for the parking card? Please tick all that apply

The following shall be entitled to receive the parking card:

1.persons of working age for whom the level of working capacity is set at 0–25 per cent;


2. persons of working age who have a working capacity level of 30–55 per cent and who have difficulty using public and private transport (this is rated 3–4 points in the person's activity and ability to participate in the questionnaire) and who drive cars themselves;


3. persons who have reached the retirement age, for whom the working capacity level has been set at 30 per cent before the retirement age and who drive cars themselves;


4. persons of retirement age with a high level of special needs;


5. persons of retirement age who have a special need for constant care (assistance) and who have difficulty using public and private transport (a person's activity and ability to participate in the questionnaire is rated 3-4 points) and who drive cars themselves;


6. persons under the age of 18 who have been diagnosed with a severe level of disability or a special need for permanent first-level care (assistance);


7. persons who have a special need to be reimbursed for the purchase of a passenger car and its technical adaptation and who drive passenger cars themselves;


8. persons for whom until 2019. January 1 there was a special need for constant supervision (assistance) or a special need for compensation for transport costs and who drive cars themselves.

Are there parking spaces reserved for people with a disability?


If you have answered yes, where are the reserved parking spaces? 

Reserved parking spaces are marked with the road sign "Parking space" and the additional panel "People with a disability". Also, reserved parking spaces can be marked with the road marking illustrating a wheelchair symbol.

What concessions does the parking card give people with a disability? 

A driver whose vehicle bears the distinctive sign “Disabled” or a parking card for disabled persons is permitted to: 1. disregard the requirements of the road signs “Parking for a limited time” and “Parking for a specified time”; 2. stop and stand in the area of validity of the road signs "No stopping", "No parking" and / or at the horizontal marking lines 1.4 or 1.9 drawn at the edge of the carriageway.

Are there any regions or cities in your country that do not recognise the parking card, or which have their own, different system?


Are the same concessions available to individuals with a disability visiting your country?


If you have answered yes to the above question, please tell us if there is a formal system of reciprocal recognition of parking cards from other countries?


If you have answered yes to the above question above please tell us.


Are there minimum dimensions for the size of a parking space reserved for a person with a disability?

If you have answered yes, please specify what they are and, if possible, include a link to the standard used. :There must be a 1,50 m wide exit from the car park for people with disabilities. This parking lot can be shared by two adjacent parking spaces.

Please give details of the section in your ministry responsible for parking concessions for people with a disability.

Name of Department/Ministry: Disability and Working Capacity Assessment Service Office under the Ministry of Social Security and Labor

Name of section responsible: N/A

email address for queries: [email protected]

phone number for queries: +370 5 233 3320

website(s): http://ndnt.lrv.lt/en/

Please include a link to any websites which give details of the official national policy on parking concessions for people with a disability.

Further information on national parking concessions for disabled drivers can be found here -  https://www.e-tar.lt/portal/lt/legalAct/TAR.299553AF4EC5/asr


Part 3: Hiring a car if you have a disability

Does your country have any laws which require hire car companies to make adapted vehicles available for people with disabilities to rent?


Where are such vehicles available? Please tick all that apply

At major airports, At city centre hire car outlets

Please give details of the section responsible in your ministry for laws/policies on adapted hire cars.

Name of ministry: Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Lithuania Name of section responsible: Road and Air Transport Policy Group email address for queries: [email protected] phone number for queries: +370 5 261 2363 website(s): http://sumin.lrv.lt/en/

Part 4: Further Information

Please give contact details (email, phone, weblinks) for any sections or organizations which have supplied information for your response to this survey if they are not already listed.


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