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Part 1: Driving with a Disability

Are there any laws or regulations in your country that restrict whether people with disabilities can obtain a driving licence?

Yes, we emphasize that our answers only can be given based on the rules for which we are responsible. It is assumed that any restrictions on obtaining a driving license in Norway must be because the disability is so significant that it is not actually possible to drive a vehicle. We do not have spesific legislation that regulates the disabled's opportunities to drive a car. The rules to obtain a driving License is therefore applicable equally to all.

Are there any restrictions on the type of vehicle or adaptation to controls that can be driven by a person with a disability?

Yes, even even though we do not have specific rules about people with reduced mobility - we have detailed rules for each individual classes of driving licenses. These rules apply equally to anyone who wants to obtain a driving license.

If you have answered yes to Question 4 above, do the same restrictions apply to a person with a disability visiting your country in their own or a rented vehicle? Please give details.

No, as long as the driver legally has obtained a drivers License, it should be no limitations in using this when visiting

Please give details of the section responsible in your Ministry for driver licensing and vehicle adaptations for people with disabilities. Please also include any websites which give details of the official national policy.

Name of Department/Ministry: Samferdselsdepartementet

email address for queries: [email protected]

Part 2: Parking Cards for people with a disability

Does your country have a national scheme of parking concessions for people with a disability?


Which categories of people with a disability are eligible for the parking card?

Those who are entitled to be granted a parking permit for people with reduced mobility in Norway, is set in Law: https://lovdata.no/dokument/SF/forskrift/2016-03-18-264


The allocation takes place according to very strict rules, where only those who need it the most will meet the conditions. It is first and foremost individuals who cannot walk or has very great difficulty moving over any length who can apply for a parking permit. Furthermore, the applicant must also prove that he or she needs parking relief in specific places, related to a specific parking need. It is not enough that you are in need of parking in general as a result of your disabillity. Both conditions must be met.

Are there parking spaces reserved for people with a disability?


If you have answered yes, where are the reserved parking spaces?

On street

In municipal car parks

Other (please specify): Private Cooperations who offer conditional parking for the general public must also facilitate parking spaces to those with a parking permit

What concessions does the parking card give people with a disability?

With a parking permit for people with reduced mobility, you can park in parking spaces reserved for people with reduced mobility. In addition, the permit gives the right to free parking in municipal parking spaces, as well as in other conditional parking spaces where there is no sign with a payment obligation for people with reduced mobility. It will also be free to park in places where municipal residential zone parking has been introduced. Please note that the permit does not allow for illegal parking on, for example, sidewalks or intersections, or in places reserved for other groups of vehicles and road users, such as rechargeable motor vehicles, embassies, vans, taxis and buses or the like.

Are there any regions or cities in your country that do not recognise the parking card, or which have their own, different system?

No, we nevertheless point out that one must be aware of any signage that imposes a payment obligation on parking spaces outside the municipality's grounds

Are the same concessions available to individuals with a disability visiting your country?


If you have answered yes to Question 13 above, please tell us if there is a formal system of reciprocal recognition of parking cards from other countries?


If you have answered yes to Question 14 above please tell us

A visitor with a disabled parking permit valid in his or her home country has the same parking rights in Norway as a person with a Norwegian disabled parking permit. The only requirements are that the badge has to show the international symbol of disabled persons parking and the name of the badge holder or the license plate number on the car in use. You have to display your badge when parking. With a disabled parking permit you can:


- use parking lots signed with disabled persons parking.


- use public parking lots (parking lots not run by private businesses) without having to pay the parking fee.


- use any parking lot for a period twice as long assigned, if the parking lot is signed with a time limit longer than 30 minutes.


- park in all areas regulated as a residential parking zone.

Are there minimum dimensions for the size of a parking space reserved for a person with a disability?

Yes, the rules about size is set in "parkeringsforskriften" in § 63: Parking space arranged for disabled persons, cf. section 61, shall as a general rule be at least 4.5 X 6 meters. Longitudinal space on public roads can still have a normal width. Where the conditions are such that accessibility for side- and rear-mounted wheelchair lifts is ensured in other ways, the space may also be smaller in other cases. The spaces shall be given the best possible location on the site in terms of the offer the space is to serve. The area must otherwise be designed universally. This means in particular that the level differences should not exceed 2 cm. The ramp must have a width of at least 90 cm and a slope of a maximum of 1:20. The ground in the parking lot with associated access should be even. For stretches below 3.0 meters, the slope can be a maximum of 1:12. For every 0.6meter height difference, there shall be a horizontal resting plane with a length of at least 1.5 meters.


link for more information: https://lovdata.no/dokument/SF/forskrift/2016-03-18-260

Please give details of the section in your ministry responsible for parking concessions for people with a disability.

Name of Department/Ministry: Samferdselsdepartementet

email address for queries: [email protected]

Please include a link to any websites which give details of the official national policy on parking concessions for people with a disability.


Part 3: Hiring a car if you have a disability

Does your country have any laws which require hire car companies to make adapted vehicles available for people with disabilities to rent?


Where are such vehicles available?


Please give details of the section responsible in your Ministry for laws/policies on adapted hire cars.


Part 4: Further information

Please give contact details (email, phone, weblinks) for any sections or organisations which have supplied information for your response to this survey if they are not already listed.

Name(s) of sections/organisations: Samferdselsdepartementet

email(s): [email protected]


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